I am a Tech Entrepreneur with a Master's degree in "Robotics, Cognition,
Intelligence" from the Technical University of Munich. I have founded multiple software start-ups
and have corporate work experience in Germany and the UK.
Internship Modelling and Decision Sciences Engineer
2018-2019, McLaren Applied Technologies, London
Developent of a Vehicle Dynamics Simulator including traffic simulation (multi-machine
real-time implementation, accepted for the IEEE ICASSP conference 2019)
Development of multiple vision-based closed-loop Advanced Driver Assistance Systems for
real-time driver simulations
Computer Vision, Object Detection, Deep Learning, Continuous Control
Research Assistant
2017-2018, Gear Research Centre, Munich
Supervision of 6 working students
Development of automatic evaluation and feedback tools (MATLAB, Python, Moodle)
Development of standalone Windows and Linux applications
Junior Teaching Assistant
2017-2018, Chair of Thermodynamics, Munich
Distinction by the faculty: best exercise course
Master's Thesis: Augmented Reality as a Tool – Development of an Intuitive Cross-Platform